One of many letters to Bartholomäus van Carneri with Suttner's monogram. Click here to access the resource at the Fried/Suttner papers held by the UN Library/Archive Geneva
Click here to see the higher level entry for this item at the Fried/Suttner papers.
Page from one of Suttner's correspondence notebooks discussing the suffrage question. Click here to access the resource at the Fried/Suttner papers held by the UN Library/Archive Geneva
Click here to see the higher level entry for this item at the Fried/Suttner papers.
Suttner's 1912 speech delivered to the National Education Association in the United States. Click here to access the resource at the Fried/Suttner papers held by the UN Library/Archive Geneva
Click here to see the higher level entry for this item at the Fried/Suttner papers.
1906 Article from The Wallasey newspaper (UK). Click here to access the resource at the Fried/Suttner papers held by the UN Library/Archive Geneva
Click here to see the higher level entry for this item at the Fried/Suttner papers.
June 21, 1907 edition of Courier de la Confèrence de la paix. The newsletter of the 1907 Hague Peace Conference published by peace activists including Bertha Von Suttner, whose name appears on the masthead. This issue devoted to her on her birthday.
Frontplate of the Proceedings of the May1919 Zurich meeting of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom (WILPF). Suttner had been dead for 5 years and the placement of her photograph on the frontplate bespeaks the indebtedness of the movement to her. WILPF critcized the Versailles Treaty in these Proceedings. The first organization to do so. A small article about this is attached to the download below.
"How I wrote 'Lay Down Your Arms!'" This article, which was first published in 1906, helped to educate English speaking audiences about Suttner following her 1905 Nobel Peace Prize.The article first appeared in The Independent (Feb 01,1906, No. 2983) and later in Hayne Davis' 1907 book "Bryan Among the Peace Makers."
2018 online exhibition of Bertha Von Suttner hosted by the Austrian Embassy in Georgia and The National Archives of Georgia.* Click here or on the photo above to enter the exhibition.
* This 2018 exhibition is based on the 2014 exhibition "Bertha Von Suttner: A Life for Peace" that was compiled by Georg Hamann and commissioned by The Federal Ministry for European and International and Affairs in Vienna to commemorate the centenary of Bertha von Suttner's death, a brochure for which can be accessed here.